
Heather Green

ONLINE: Weekdays & Weekends
daytime & eves by appt
(PST, California time)

$120/45 min • $150/60 min

Intuitive Guide, Channel, Energy Healer, Animal Communicator

Heather offers intuitive, channeling and energy healing services to humans and animals. These services help with life guidance, decisions, healing, and transformation. They address any life area: physical, mental and emotional health, behaviors, relationships, your soul’s purpose, abundance and more.

She is highly regarded for the accuracy of her readings.

She uses her psychic senses and telepathic abilities with animals and spirit guides to answer your questions. She can also channel messages from Pleiadian and Angelic collectives for additional support and guidance, if requested in a session. These rates are special discounted prices for East West customers. Learn more.


“I faced a professional obstacle which was causing me extreme distress, compounded by a personal matter. Heather helped me cut through negative ties, and I felt immediate relief. She left me with a process so that I could help myself in the future, although I expect I will still reach out to her for assistance and guidance. Thank you so much, Heather, for all you did for me, and all you do for so many.” 
—Judy P.

“Heather’s sessions healed my uterine polyps. Prior to the sessions, I had many polyps and painful cramps, and after a ‘tree of life’ healing and other sessions, the ultrasound revealed I no longer had them. I also had breast cancer, and Heather was instrumental in my ‘true’ healing, as an adjunct healer with traditional medicine. Her amazing healing and intuitiveness is phenomenal.”
—Eileen T.

“I had one session with Heather over the phone to help me with social anxiety. A few days went by and I started to feel so much better, I was able to talk to people normally. I could actually focus on the conversation, and not try to read minds about what others thought of me. This has had a huge effect on my everyday life, which mostly consists of training young horses for three-day events. Since the sessions, everything with every horse has gone uphill, and I really believe Heather has helped me heal. Now I can’t wait for her to come talk to my horses.

“I wanted to let you know how grateful we are for your services. When rescuing 120 animals, including horses, all with emotional and physical ailments, it’s imperative to think outside the box, as sometimes there is only so much a veterinarian can do. You have helped us communicate with our animals so we can really know what they are thinking and feeling.

I believe your healing work to be the reason the calves we rescued last year are still alive. The vets wanted to put them down and felt sure they would not make it. You gave us hope to keep going, investing, and fighting. Today the calves are running, playing, and loving life.

When the next call comes in with a sick, abused, or injured animal, you are our secret weapon. Thank you for helping us save lives!
—Ellie Laks, Founder, The Gentle Barn Foundation

“I thought I was okay, until a series of unfortunate events sent me over the edge. I was pink-slipped at work, was fighting with my husband, and my best friend Dusty (13 year old Lab) died. I broke down and felt so depressed, I couldn’t get up in the morning. Heather did an energy scan of me and told me what she saw. I started crying my eyes out, because she was right on with her analysis of where my pain was coming from. I had been hurting for so long, she helped me to see the things that I had buried since my childhood, and take ownership of them. She is very perceptive, intelligent, and gentle. With her guidance, I have been able to start healing my depression. I know now that clairvoyant healing can work even for a skeptic like me. Through Heather’s advice and guidance I have since gone from a hurting, depressed woman, to one who is finally feeling free and alive. She has been a blessing to me.”

“Heather has helped me understand what was going on with my dogs, both emotionally and physically. She helped me locate my missing cat. And she has helped me steer my life into a more positive direction.

When I first met Heather, my dog, Leo, was having some issues with his back. The vet couldn’t pinpoint anything wrong. I reached out to her for help with Leo, and for my other dog Max. Max would not walk for more than a short distance without stopping and refusing to walk any further. I wanted to understand why he didn’t like his walks.

What Heather told me was amazing. She saw that Leo had what looked like a pinched nerve, as well as the start of cataracts. She saw that Max had fluid around his heart and in his lungs, which made it difficult to walk, hurt him, and caused him to cough. He also had something in his ear that was bothering him, and Heather saw some hair or dust there.

Needless to say, I made another appointment with the vet, who concurred with every detail Heather gave me. I have had Heather do energy healing on Leo, and since then (almost seven months ago), he has only had issues once, whereas before, it was almost monthly.

I am so thankful for having found Heather and having her part of my life, in caring for me and my animal partners.

“I came to you to help encourage a detox, move into 100% health, and clear lifetimes of trauma around finances and success. You have provided a necessary reassurance and reminder of who I am on a soul level. This alone has been enough to keep me aligned during such turbulent times. You also provided great tools to regularly clear my energy field, as I am someone who is highly sensitive.

I am coming to realize how my level of success/finances connect to other areas of my life and relationships. These realizations provide me the opportunity to untie and realign my intentions around success and financial health. Clearing the collective fear around lack and uncertainty from my energy field has been critical during this process, as those energies are high and very potent in the present moment.

You have truly been a gem. The support you are providing during this time, for myself and I am sure countless others, is heaven sent.”
—Jennifer G.