
Tune Your Radio

Tune Your Radio

Dear friends,

Images are often quite useful when trying deeply to understand a subtle concept. I'd like to share an image that has always been helpful for me.

The world is a mixed bag. There are lovely, heartwarming, and inspiring things going on. And also dark, troubling, and somewhat frightening things going on. I am sure this is not new information for anyone.

For us, however, we have a choice to make, as the situation is much like radio waves. We are bathed in signal waves all the time, so the question becomes: what station are you tuned to? We are not disturbed that there are frequencies surrounding us playing music we have a distaste for. We but need to change our dial setting.

This is of course not an exhortation not to care and not to be aware. My life is one of service in many areas. Serving is my greatest joy, and caring for others is a motivating part of that. But leaving my radio often tuned to darkness, and then turning it up loud on top of that, serves no one. It is called “doom scrolling” for a reason.

I choose to focus on blessings and on personal gratitude for those blessings. This recharges my own batteries and allows me to serve more. It allows me to keep my undamaged heart open instead of closed and protected from assault.

You might consider going on a news fast. Just for five days, let's say. I promise the world will still be there after your fast has ended, and in much the same shape as before. It will surely not be worse off because of your abstinence. See how you feel. We must take at least as much responsibility for what we allow into our consciousness, as we do with what we eat. No one eats perfectly, but living on a diet of junk food is surely not the best idea!

May we each tune our inner radio to what is positive and uplifting, and share our newfound sense of peace and joy with all whom we meet.

David G., manager
For the staff at East West