
The True Spirit of the Holidays

The True Spirit of the Holidays

Dear friends,

First of all… I wish each of you a very joyful and uplifted Christmas. It seemed appropriate to share some thoughts about this season (which really apply to all spiritual Holy-days, for those inclined towards different traditions).

Christmas: The birth of Christ is not about an external event but an inner birth of Spirit reborn in our own hearts. The gifts brought by the Magi were to honor the emergence of a perfected being who came to show us the way. Jesus said, “Everything I have done ye too shall do, and greater.” What can that possibly mean? It’s a high bar, but that is our goal. All progress in human affairs is directional, not absolute, and we are on a path to perfection and perfect union with Spirit. Let us use this time of year to do what we can to honor that hoped-for birth within ourselves and not get too caught up in the material and holiday stresses.

Yogananda explained that it is “Christ Consciousness” that we are pursuing. Jesus did not come to show how great he was or how great God is, but how great we can each become. “Ye too shall do, and greater…"

New Year: A good time to reflect on the past year. Avoid the temptation to make all sorts of grandiose resolutions that fall by the wayside by mid-January. Once again, the goal ought to be directional improvement, not absolute mastery over some years-long habit we wish to change. Life is a long distance race run inch by inch, rather than a sprint where we run out of energy or get discouraged partway through.

This is a special time of year when people are more likely to be focusing on peace and joy, rather than issues and problems. No harm. The issues will almost surely be there later anyway! A friend of mine has always been an excellent meditator. A decades-long and never-missed practice. Others in the group house would talk about “getting in his wake” as he walked to the temple to meditate each morning. He virtually pulled people along by his commitment and magnetism. Let us each get in the wake of this joyful and uplifted season and nourish our souls.

Blessings to all,
David G., manager
For the staff at East West