
Hindu vs. Undo

Hindu vs. Undo

Dear friends,

Our natural state is to feel the deep joy of Spirit. One might wonder… if that is so natural why is that state amazingly rare for each of us and for people in general? Glad you asked… :)

Joy is not created. There is nothing we need to do directly to bring it into our lives. Joy being our natural state, the better question is, “What then blocks it from manifesting more fully in our lives?”

We have many, many misperceptions. Each one is like a layer of an onion that needs to be peeled to get to the core. We avoid things we don’t like and we grasp after things we do like; we avoid certain kinds of people; we try to get our material plane existence in order; we work to have a secure retirement; we work to have people like and respect us… and on and on.

There is nothing wrong with any of these things in and of themselves, but when we mentally commit to the idea they are necessary for us to feel deep peace and joy, voila… we cannot feel good without them.

Even more subtle, as we do get these things (as and if we are able to) a nagging fear naturally arises…”What if I lose them?” So even having them is not enough.

Joy is an inner state that needs to be cultivated. We probably each know someone who has everything: a great job, good relationship, plenty of money, health, etc., but they never seem happy. Complaints and a sour attitude color everything they do and everything about them.

There are other people who appear to be having an awful time of things. We marvel at how they even get out of bed in the morning. But somehow they always seem joyful and with a spring in their step.

This shows clearly that it is what we carry inside our minds that makes the difference and not the circumstances we face in the world around us.

Joy is experienced by undoing the many false notions we hold dearly to. One of my early teachers, in referring to the teachings of the East, said we must become “Undos” not “Hindus.” Joy is not created. It is experienced by peeling away the layers of desire and false beliefs we have committed to in our minds. May we each experience Joy more deeply as we learn to find it inside and lessen our grasp on what is outside and false, holding ever more tightly to what is inside and true. That we are each children of Spirit and complete within ourselves despite passing and ever-changing circumstances.

David G, manager
For the gang at East West