
Classified Ads with East West

Do you offer a spiritual, healing, or expanded awareness service or product to the public? We’d like to support area businesses that are of interest to our customers.

Send your 50-word description to be included on our Classified Ad webpage. We’ll also share a link to this page in our weekly email newsletter which goes to over 7,000 people.

Complete this application and submit with your payment. It’s hosted by Jotform, so you can complete all the steps in one simple form.


A few details

The cost is $25/month. There is a 3-month minimum. If you purchase 12 months, the last month is free. You may cancel at any time after 3 months for a pro-rated refund.

All submissions will be reviewed before publication. Submissions are accepted at our sole discretion, and we will, of course, provide a full refund for those not accepted.


The online application form should answer all your questions. But if there’s something we haven’t covered, please drop us a note.